The Most Righteous Chamber Chow-Down is an innovative “-raiser” for our community. We’re raising…
- funds for the Marlborough Regional Charitable Fund.
- awareness of the great restaurants in Marlborough and Hudson who are our partners.
- awareness of the Chamber of Commerce in our region.
Check Out Our Participating Restaurant Sweepstakes Partners!
Win some “Most Righteous” prizes by entering our sweepstakes today!
The Most Righteous Chamber Chow-Down has 22 prizes worth a total of $4,000!
- Ridiculous Grand Prize: one winner will get 20 $100 gift cards — one to each of 20 partner restaurants. That’s $2,000 in total value!
- Awesome Second Prize: one winner will get 203 $50 gift cards — one to each of 20 partner restaurants. That’s $1,000 in total value!
- Pretty Cool Other Prizes: 20 more winners will get one $50 gift card to one of the restaurants chosen randomly.
To learn more, see the whole list of restaurant partners and enter to win, visit the Most Righteous Chamber Chow-Down contest page.